  with pop ups

Lets practise how to safely
remove pop-up messages.
Tap Start when you’re
ready to begin.

Task 1

On the next screen, you’ll
see a typical pop-up message
from a website we trust. Let’s
see how to remove it safely.


For pop ups on trusted websites,
tap the little in the corner to
close it.

Not quite, try again!

Well done!

You successfully closed
the pop-up message from a
trusted website.

Task 2

Next we see how to close
pop-up boxes from websites
we don’t trust, or where
there is no button


This time, close the pop-up box
by tapping once anywhere
outside the pop-up box.

Not quite, try again!

Well done!

You successfully closed a non-trusted
pop up safely. You can also use this
method for pop ups without an .

Task 3

Some pop ups won’t close
at all, but never be tempted
to tap inside the pop up to
make it go away. There’s
a safer way.

Well done!

You successfully restored
normal view and can start
browsing again in peace and quiet.


You have successfully completed
the Dealing with pop ups

Tap Exit below to find other
practice activities.

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