This short guide is a reference tool to help refresh your knowledge or practise what you have learned in the Service NSW online course, including:
Service NSW lets you easily and conveniently access government services online.
You can visit the Service NSW website at using the web browser on your computer or mobile devices.
You can also download the Service NSW app from your mobile phone’s official app store.
To access government services using the website or official app, you’ll need to provide proof of identity. This includes:
When you provide these to the website or app, you’ll get an account with a username and password you can use to sign in quickly from then on.
If you use the official app, you can sign in using a passcode, fingerprint, or FaceID, depending on what kind of mobile phone you use.
The website has all the services you can access online, as well as information and guides. It’s best used with a computer.
The Service NSW app allows quick access to some services and is used for checking in to locations by scanning a QR code. It can show your proof of vaccination, and more ID options are being added.
If you can’t find what you need on the Service NSW website or by using the app, you can call and speak to a representative, who will help you.
The number for Service NSW is 13 77 88.
When you first visit, you can click the MyServiceNSW Account link in the top right of the home page. You’ll then get the option to create an account.
Remember, to create this account you’ll need a form of photo ID such as your NSW Driver Licence, and a second form of ID such as a Medicare card.
When you sign in to your MyServiceNSW account, you will see your home page. There are a few important things you can do quickly and easily via your MyServiceNSW home page:
Click the Notifications link at the top of your MyServiceNSW home page to see a list of recent notifications. Messages you haven’t read yet will be in bold. These might include:
Vouchers are received as PDF attachments in your MyServiceNSW notifications.
Sometimes, when you click on a service, you will be taken to a different government website.
For example, if you wanted to manage any Land Tax you might have to pay, you will be taken to the website.
Service NSW will always let you know when you are going to be directed to another website. When you are directed to another website, this usually opens in the same browser tab. To get back to you can click the Back button at the top of your browser, or type the address in.
To access a service, click Browse services at the top of the page, then choose a category from the grid of services. Some example services you can access include:
If you’re ever unsure where you are on the Service NSW site:
Some savings and rebates can be access via the website. This site also has a lot of good information about special offers, discounts, and travel concessions.
The Savings Finder on Service NSW includes an online calculator that will calculate how much you are spending and suggest ways you can save money. This includes links to rebates, vouchers, and more.
You can visit FuelCheck, the NSW fuel price monitor, at Here, you can search your local area for the best petrol prices in real time.
Losing your wallet is a pain! Service NSW offers a helpful guide, to make sure it doesn’t turn into a disaster. To find the guide:
This is a special guide which you can find at the very bottom of the Concessions, rebates and assistance page. The Finding lost money guide provides a checklist for you to work through, including how to check for lost superannuation.
You can also search for lost or unclaimed money at the Australian Securities and Investments Commission’s (ASIC) MoneySmart website, at The MoneySmart website also explains how to use and the ATO to claim lost superannuation.
Guides help you work out which services you need in the first place. For example, the Planning for retirement guide has an exhaustive list of what you should consider when planning your retirement.
To find a Guide, look for the Popular guides section on the Service NSW home page. You can also type Guides in the search bar in the top right of the Service NSW home page.
The Service NSW website has a number of online calculators to help you work out things such as how much tax you need to pay, or even how many kilojoules you are eating each day!
To quickly see all the calculators together, enter Calculators in the search box in the top right of the Service NSW home page.