This short guide is a reference tool to help refresh your knowledge or practise what you have learned in the Access Canberra online course, including:
As well as managing your personal information, you can use government services to: has information about all government services. If you’re have trouble using the website, you can call 13 22 81 between 8:00am and 6:00pm Monday to Friday, and speak to a representative, who will help you get what you need.
You can manage your ACT Digital account on Access Canberra by clicking the ACT Digital Account link to see the ACT Digital Account page. If you don’t already have an ACT Digital Account, click Create one here and follow the steps. You will need:
To upgrade your ACT Digital account to ID Verification Level 2 you’ll need a primary ID document such as your driver licence or current passport, plus your Medicare card and your mobile phone number.
You can then follow these steps:
If you’re ever unsure where you are on the website, click the words Access Canberra in the top left of the page. This will take you back to the Access Canberra home page. You may need to log in to your ACT Digital account again.
To access a service, look for the grid of categories on the Access Canberra home page. Click a category to see a list of services. Some example categories include:
Some services are hosted on other government websites. You can tell when you’re being redirected to another website when the address in your browser’s search bar changes. If you don’t want to go to another website right now, click the Back button in your web browser.
You can report problems relating to your street. This could be anything from potholes to broken or dim streetlights. Click the Fix My Street link in the Popular pages section at the top of the Access Canberra home page. You can choose from categories including:
Click on a category and follow the steps to report the issue.
The website has a page called Cost of living support. Below the heading Help with everyday costs you’ll find categories, with information for how you can access assistance for:
In the middle of the Cost of living support page, click the Check what support you get link. A new page will open with links to information about the concessions you can apply for.
The ACT Government uses the NSW FuelCheck website to provide petrol price information for ACT residents.
Visit to search for fuel prices near you.
The website has a page called Key concessions to help with the cost of living. This page has a list of links at the top, which you can click to jump down to the concession that interests you. These links include:
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission’s (ASIC) MoneySmart website at helps you claim lost money. This can be from such things as lost bank accounts, shares, investments and life insurance policies. The MoneySmart website also explains how to use and the ATO to claim lost superannuation.