Sunday, 6 October 2024, 8:48 AM
Site: Be Connected - Every Australian online
Course: Glossary of tech terms (Glossary)
Glossary: Glossary of tech terms
macOSAn operating system developed by Apple for their laptop and desktop computers. |
MicrophonePart of a computing device such as a tablet, smartphone, laptop or desktop computer that captures audio. |
MicrosoftThe company behind the Windows operating system, PCs (personal computers), Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint and many other premium programs and devices. |
Mobile bankingUndertaking banking tasks using a mobile device and an official banking app. |
Mobile deviceThe name given to any smart device that can be carried with you. It usually refers to a smartphone or tablet. |
Mobile networks: 3G, 4G and 5G3G, 4G and 5G are the networks that connect your mobile phone to the internet and mobile phone network. The G stands for Generation so 3G means 3rd generation, 4G means 4th generation and 5G means 5th generation. The higher the number, the faster and newer the network. |
MonitorThe screen that shows you what you are doing on the computer. |
MouseA little hardware device that you move with your hand to move the cursor and click on objects on a computer screen. Called a mouse because the original mouses (plural for computer mouse) had tail-like cables connecting them to computers and they resembled their namesake from the animal kingdom. You can still purchase a mouse with a cable, but many are now cable-free and connect to your computer via Bluetooth. |
Mouse padA small mat of fabric or plastic that you can place on your desk to slide the mouse over. |
Mouse pointerAnother name for the cursor. |