Glossary of tech terms
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F |
The world's largest social network site that lets you share messages, photos and videos with others. |
FaceTimeAn application that lets you make video calls from your Apple device such as your iPhone, iPad or Mac computer. |
Fake webpageA webpage or website that is created by scammers to look like a legitimate website of a reputable brand or company, with the intent of tricking the viewer into clicking links or sharing personal details. |
FileA document or program stored on your computer. Each file has a unique name. |
File compressionThe process of your computer reducing some of the non-essential information associated with your files. This means the files don't take up as much memory or storage space on your device. |
File typeEvery file created on a computer or device has a unique name followed by a short three-or-four character code at the end, separated by a full stop. For example, "mydiary.doc". The code after the full stop indicates what kind of information the file contains and what type of software can view or open it. In our example, "mydiary.doc", the ".doc" tells us it is most likely a Microsoft Word file. Other common file types include ".jpg" (pronounced jaypeg) for photos, or ".xls" for Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. |
FirewallSoftware or hardware that protects your computer from hackers or viruses. |
FlashAn outdated application that plays audio and visual files and types of animation. |