Glossary of tech terms
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H |
HackingThe process of breaking into computer systems and reading, stealing or altering information. |
HardwareThe physical parts of a computing device. For example, the screen and keyboard are hardware. |
Health suiteAn app or a group of apps on an Apple or Android device that draws data from various sources (e.g. phone or smartwatch) to provide a picture of the user's health or exercise patterns. |
Home buttonA button on a smartphone or tablet that returns you to the Home screen. |
Home screenThe first screen you see when you turn on a tablet or smartphone. Pressing the Home button on a smartphone or tablet also takes you back to the Home screen. It can also be called the main screen or start screen. |
HomepageThe first screen of information that appears when you type in a web address. It's also called the 'landing page' of the website and usually contains a welcome message and links to other parts of the website. |
http / httpsCommonly found at the beginning of web addresses, Hypertext Transfer Protocol (http) or Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (https) is the set of rules for transferring files in between computers over the internet, such as text, music, photos and more.
Hypertext Transfer Protocol is the foundation of data communication for the World Wide Web (www). You may notice that all web addresses use http or https at the beginning of their URL.
Https (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) indicates that the information passed to and from a website using https is encrypted. |
HyperlinkA word, sentence or graphic in a web page, text message, email or document that can be clicked on to take you to other information. |