Become a Google Earth champion!


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Become a Google Earth champion!

An illustration of a city map on a computer screen

What's coming up?

Now that you've mastered the basics and know how to find things in Google Earth, it's time to learn a few extra tricks.

In this activity, you'll learn about saving Placemarks, being an armchair tourist, and taking Google Earth with you on the go.

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A close up aerial view of a port on Google Earth

Adding a Placemark

Adding favourite locations in Google Earth makes it quick and easy to visit them in the future. Simply click the Add placemark icon in the top menu to turn the mouse pointer into a placemark icon, then click on the map where you want to save your location.

Saving a Placemark

When you choose a location to Placemark, Google Earth will ask how you want to save it. The best option is Drive project, and this requires you to be signed in to Google Drive.

If you are not signed in or don’t have Google Drive, you can press OK and follow the steps, or press Cancel to not save the placemark.

You can learn more about Google Drive in the in our Google cloud apps course.

The Save feature to option panel on Google Earth
An illustration of the Mawson Station in Antarctica displayed on a computer screen

Become an armchair tourist

Google Earth can take you to the most remote corners of the world, from the scorching hot Gobi Desert to sub-zero temperatures at Antarctica's Mawson Station. Meanwhile, Street View can take you to the ground level and even under the oceans and along rivers.

Use Google Earth on the go

Remember, when you're exploring Google Earth you're not limited to desktop and laptop computers. Apart from PCs and Macs, you can also use Google Earth on smartphones as well as tablets. You'll find Google Earth for free in the Google Play for Android devices, and the App Store for Apple devices.

A mobile phone displaying Google Earth
A computer screen displaying Google Earth

Go for the big screen

Of course, Google Earth naturally looks best on a large computer screen. Not only can see a lot more detail, it's also easier to explore the maps and see what's in the surrounding area.

Taking advantage of a large monitor also makes it easier to use the onscreen controls.

Well done!

You’ve completed the Become a Google Earth champion! activity and learned how you can save places of interest for later.

Coming up next, if you have registered and are logged into the Be Connected website, you’ll be able to take a short quiz to finish the course.

If you’re not registered, you are now at the end of the Exploring Google Earth course.

A computer screen displaying the Google Earth icon