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Val answers your technology questions – Part 2

Once again, we flip the cards and put Val in the hot seat to answer tech questions from you, our listeners.

Avoiding impersonation scams

Learn about impersonation scams, how to avoid them and what to do if you’re scammed.

New ways of doing old things

Learn how technology is allowing us to enjoy our favourite past times in new ways.

In conversation with eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman Grant

Sit down for a chat with Australias eSafety Commissioner, Julie Inman Grant

Who's watching you?

Learn about facial recognition & how your information is stored and used.

Artificial Intelligence Explained

Learn about AI and discover the seemingly endless possibilities it offers

Val answers your tech questions

Join us as Val answers your tricky tech questions

The future of the internet

Discover how the future of the internet will affect your privacy and daily life

Apps to improve your life

Find out which apps are the most fun and which can help to improve your life

What is crypto currency and is it the future of money?

Confused by the world of crypto? Learn what crypto is and what you can do with it.

What does the future hold?

From AI to robots and self-driving cars, find out what the future holds.

Unlock your family history

Start your family history journey & learn how the internet can unlock the past

What online scammers don't want you to know

Learn about common scams, how to avoid them & what to do if you get scammed

Why is it so? Part II

We answer common tech questions to help make living with technology easier

Can my smartwatch help me live longer?

Is the hype around smartwatches & wearable technology all its cracked up to be?

Your internet trivia questions answered

How many Google searches are done every second? Your trivia questions answered

Can a smarter home improve my life?

What is smart technology? Can it help me stay at home longer & make life better?

Why is it so?

What is the cloud and is it safe? We answer this and more!

Is the internet spying on me?

From social media, your apps to voice assistants, is the internet spying on you?