Discovering everyday savings - WA
Discovering everyday savings

What's coming up?
In this activity, you'll find out how the Western Australian Government's ConcessionsWA website can help you save money, today.
You'll also learn about the FuelWatch website, which helps you find the cheapest petrol near you.
Start activityWhat is the ConcessionsWA website?
Keeping up with all the bills and expenses of modern living can feel like a full-time job in itself!
The Western Australian Government has created a useful ConcessionsWA website that gathers all the available concessions and savings in one place.
To visit the site, type in your web browser's address bar and press the Enter key on your keyboard.

Browse concessions by category
The ConcessionsWA website home page lets you see different categories for savings, including:
- Accommodation and Housing
- Household bills and Appliances concessions, such as on electricity bills and land tax
- Travel and transport concessions, such as concession cards for travel
- Tourism concessions, including national parks passes.
- Concessions for Legal services including help with drafting a will
- Health and Disability concessions for things such as ambulance fees and dental services.
Click a category to see a new page listing available concessions in that category.
Browse concessions by Card Type
If you already have a concession card, you can click the By Card Type tab, under Find your concessions..., to see concessions that apply to your card.
You can see concessions for many different cards, including:
- Pensioner Concession Card
- Health Care Card
- WA Seniors Card
- State Concession Card.
Click on your card type to see more information and concessions for that card.

Finding petrol prices near you
The Western Australian Government has created a website named FuelWatch, to help you find the cheapest petrol prices near you.
Type in your web browser's search bar and then press the Enter key.
You will see a map, with a list of fuel prices on the left. You can move the map around by clicking on it with your mouse.
You can also enter your postcode to see fuel prices close to you.

eSafety tip
It's safe to let the FuelWatch website know your browser's location, as this will not give it your precise street address, but instead a location based on which Internet Service Provider you use.
FuelWatch won't save your location either when you finish using the site and close your browser.
Well done!
This is the end of the Discovering everyday savings activity. You've learned how the Western Australian Government's ConcessionsWA website can help you save money on your regular expenses.
Up next, the Claiming rebates and lost superannuation activity will show you how to use government websites for things such as gas or electricity rebates, and even how to track down lost superannuation.