Other useful things to know - SA
Other useful things to know

What's coming up?
In this activity, you'll learn about a few more services on the www.sa.gov.au website not mentioned already in this course.
We also look at how you can use government websites to track down lost money, including superannuation funds.
Start activityUsing the Services A to Z page
The easiest way to see all the concessions available in one place, is to use the Services A to Z page.
On the www.sa.gov.au home page, click About SA and then click Services A to Z.
On the page that appears, click Concessions, rebates and grants to open a panel showing all available schemes. Let's take a closer look at some of the sections.

Calculators and tools
In this section, there is a whole range of quick links to handy information relating to day-to-day living costs, including:
- Calculate appliance running costs
- Stamp duty on vehicles
- Vehicle registration fees
- Water heater calculator.
Combined household concessions
This category includes concessions that have to do with your household. You can apply online for:
- The energy bill concession
- The water and sewerage rate concession
- The Cost of Living Concession.

Other concessions and rebates
Some other specific concessions found in the Concessions, rebates and grants list that might be useful include:
- The taxi fare subsidy scheme
- Concessions and discounts for seniors
- Public transport concessions
- Solar offer to low income households
- GlassesSA for low-cost eyeglasses.
Finding lost superannuation funds
Another useful online service available to all Australians is the ability to search for lost or unclaimed superannuation accounts. The Australian Tax Office's (ATO's) website at ato.gov.au has some helpful advice on how to look for these funds.
Use the search bar at the top of the ATO's home page and type in lost super. A list of search results will appear, including more information on how to claim lost funds via your myGov account, by phone or by paper form.
If you don't yet have a myGov account, you can find out how to set this up in our Introduction to myGov courses.

eSafety tip
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission's (ASIC) MoneySmart website at moneysmart.gov.au is another useful website to know about. It can help you claim lost money from such things as lost bank accounts, shares, investments and life insurance policies, as well a providing information on how to use myGov and the ATO to claim lost superannuation.
Well done!
This is the end of the Other useful things to know activity. You've learned how to use the www.sa.gov.au website to find concessions you may be eligible for, and that you can use the ATO and ASIC websites to help find lost money.
Up next, if you are registered with Be Connected and logged in, you'll be able to take a short quiz to complete the South Australia government websites course. If you are not registered, you are now at the end of the course.