Managing your personal information - QLD


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Managing your personal information

QLD coat of arms on a webpage

What's coming up?

In this activity, you’ll find out about your QGov account and how it lets you access those Queensland Government services which require you to confirm your digital identity before you can use them. You’ll also find out how you can manage your QGov account, change details, or even close the account if you wish.

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Your QGov account

Some government services ask you to log in as a proof of identity, before you can use them. For example, to renew your Queensland driver licence online, you will be asked to log in.

When you click Log in with QGov, you’ll see the QGov Log in or register page. Click Register to create a QGov account. You’ll need an email address, and you’ll be able to choose a strong password.

You also need to provide a mobile phone number to receive a confirmation code via text.

QGov login screen
Driver licence information

Using QGov to prove your digital identity

You can create a QGov account with just an email, password, and mobile phone number. However, some government services require you to prove your identity using documentation.

The Queensland Government website calls this stepping up your log in, and you’ll be automatically asked to do this when you access a service that requires it.

For example, when you go to renew your drivers licence, you’ll be asked to step up your QGov log in as part of the process.

What you need to step up your QGov log in

To make your QGov account into a proof of digital identity, you’ll need to provide 100 points of identification. There are several different documents you can use, and you can see a list at

If you have a current Queensland driver licence and your Medicare card, you will have the 100 points you need.

After you provide these documents, your QGov account will be stepped up, and you won’t need to do this again. You can now use your QGov account as proof of digital identity when accessing Queensland government services online.

Driver licence and registration services
Agreeing to share information and details

How to manage your shared personal details

Your QGov account may share certain personal information with any Queensland government service you access via the site. This can include:

  • Your name, including middle names
  • Your date of birth
  • Your log in email address.

When you log in to a service using your QGov account, you’ll see a page that asks you to Consent to share your details.

You’ll see which details the site is asking for, and you have the option to Continue to use the service, or to Cancel.

You might need to log in to QGov several times

Queensland Government online services are hosted on lots of different websites. For example, and

Each site may ask you to log in using your QGov account, to access whatever services it provides.

QGov login screen
An icon of a padlock

eSafety tip

You don’t need to manually log out of a Queensland Government online service website. This happens automatically when you close the browser tab.

For security, always remember to close your web browser before leaving your computer.

What to do if you get lost

The Queensland Government websites have a lot of pages and can get a bit confusing at times.

If you’ve clicked a few different things and are no longer sure where you are, you can click the Queensland Government coat of arms in the top left corner of the website.

This will take you back to the Queensland Government home page at

QLD coat of arms

Well done!

This is the end of the Managing your personal information activity. You’ve learned about your QGov account, and when you might need to log in to this account to prove your digital identity.

Up next, you can find out how to access the things you’ll need day-to-day, in the Accessing essential services activity.

QGov website