Claiming rebates and lost superannuation - QLD


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Claiming rebates and lost superannuation

a hand handing a coin to another hand

What's coming up?

In this activity, you’ll find out how to apply for rebates on The Queensland Government has a number of rebate programs, and the Smart Savings website can help you figure out your eligibility for them.

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eSafety tip

Many rebate programs are hosted on other government websites, so you might get taken away from the Smart Savings website to apply.

You can always click the back button on your browser to return to the Smart Savings website, or type in your browser’s search bar.

Using the Smart Savings website to find rebates

The Queensland Government has a special website called Smart Savings, which collects all the concessions and rebates that are available, in one convenient spot.

To visit the Smart Savings website, type in your browser’s search bar and press enter.

By default, when you visit the Smart Savings site, the Cost of living category is selected. However, you can choose a different rebate category at the top of the page to see more information about it.

The smart savings webpage.
A lightbulb surrounded by dollar signs.

Energy and water

This category has some important rebates that you may be eligible for.

You can find out more about the Reticulated Natural Gas Rebate Scheme, which helps you save money on your gas bill.

The Electricity Rebate Scheme page will guide you through how to apply for an annual refund on a portion of your electricity bill.

You can explore this category to see what other rebates might apply to you.

Transport concessions

This category shows you how to apply for transport concessions of all kinds.

Some of the concessions are for people living or travelling in South-East Queensland, while the Rail Concession Scheme covers all of Queensland.

This category also helps you apply for the Taxi Subsidy Scheme, and Vehicle and Boat Registrations Concessions.

A seniors card and a bus.
Man pondering lost money

Finding lost superannuation funds

Another useful online service available to all Australians is the ability to search for lost or unclaimed superannuation accounts. The Australian Tax Office's (ATO's) website at has some helpful advice on how to look for these funds.

Use the search bar at the top of the ATO's home page and type in lost super. A list of search results will appear, including more information on how to claim lost funds via your myGov account, by phone or by paper form.

If you don't yet have a myGov account, you can find out how to set this up in our Introduction to myGov courses.

Well done!

This is the end of the Claiming rebates and lost superannuation activity. You’ve learned how to use the Smart Savings website to find rebates you may be eligible for, how to apply for them, and how to find lost money.

The next activity gathers up a few more Useful things you should know about accessing government services via

man smiling after finding lost money