Internet safety tips


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Internet safety tips

An illustration of a padlock on a computer screen

What's coming up?

There are a lot of great things on the internet, but there are some basic rules to follow to keep you and your loved ones safer online.

In this activity, you'll learn about internet copyright, where to find advice on things like parental controls, and your privacy rights.

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Copyright rules

Just like all types of media, the text and images on websites are often copyrighted by the person or company that created them.

Online music, TV shows and films are also copyrighted.

Illustrations of musical notes, a screen, and a movie camera
The copyright symbol of a c inside a circle

The copyright symbol

This symbol means that an item is protected under copyright law. The owner of the item has the right to control how and when it's used.

Using information you find on the internet

It's usually against the law to copy, edit or reproduce any online content without permission from the copyright owner or creator.

If you do wish to use text or images from a website, you should ask for and receive permission from the website owner before using them, and always quote the source in your work.

An illustration of someone copying an image they've found online
The Netflix, Spotify, iview and iTunes logos on a laptop screen

Watching and listening online

There are lots of ways you can legally watch films and television programs online. You can use ABC iView, or pay for Netflix, and you can also pay to download and listen to music using applications such as Spotify or iTunes.

Find out more about these great options in the TV, movie and music streaming services course.

There are also some websites that allow people to illegally download music or films. While this may seem harmless, it is as illegal as stealing items from a shop.

An icon of a padlock

eSafety tip

If you are not sure if a website is allowing you to legally watch or download things, do some research into it. Look up the website using your web browser (such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Apple Safari) and see what people say about it. You can usually find information telling you if it's a trusted website or not.

Playing by the rules

Which of the following are you allowed to do online?

Use someone else's content without permission

Click to flip


Sorry, that's not right. You should always seek and gain permission to use someone else's content before using it.

Watch a film online using a paid streaming service

Click to flip


Yes, that's right. You can use your device to watch a movie by paying an authentic streaming service such as Netflix. You can also view movies for free on sites like ABC's iView!

A Terms and conditions apply warning from a website

Terms and conditions

Many websites have terms and conditions, which are the rules that govern how you should use the site.

If you are going to sign up or register for something online, you will probably need to agree to the terms and conditions.

Make sure you read them before you agree to them and use the site. If you don't, you might break the rules without realising it and the site owner might limit your use of the site or close down your account altogether.

Company policy and personal information

Almost every company will have their own Privacy policy with regard to how they use your personal information. It's worth reading these on new websites to check how they will handle your information before you sign up.

You can usually find a company's Privacy policy link near the bottom of the page on their website, or as part of their Terms and conditions for using their site.

An illustration of a document with a shield icon
An icon of a padlock

eSafety tip

In Australia, the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), which includes the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs), is the principal data protection legislation and is designed to govern how companies and agencies operating in Australia use personal data.

However, it is not always as clear cut when dealing with overseas companies.

It’s always best to check a website’s Terms and Conditions (T&Cs) and Privacy Policy to make an informed decision if you wish to use the website or not.

An illustration of a dad and daughter using a tablet together

Younger online users

Today’s children have grown up around computer technology and seem to be able to adapt to using devices very easily.

But their technical ability doesn’t compensate for a lack of life experience, so it’s important that carers or family members look out for them when they are online.

Where to find help

In Australia, the eSafety Commissioner has a website that has wide-ranging and excellent safety tips, advice and resources to provide guidance and assistance on today’s online challenges for all ages.

It offers helpful resources on things such as parental controls and online safety for grandparents and carers, and even a handy eSafety guide about the ever-growing number of popular apps available.

The eSafety Commissioner logo
An illustration of a computer screen showing icons for documents, shields, and copyright

Well done!

You've completed the Internet safety tips activity.

You've found out about the issues surrounding online copyright and the importance of website terms and conditions, how they handle your privacy and where to find help.

Next up, in the Online forms activity, we look at the types of forms you can complete online. You'll also get a chance to practise using some common types of online form fields, such as radio buttons, checkboxes and drop-down lists.