So, what is the internet?


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So, what is the internet?

An illustration of diferent devices displaying the internet icon

What's coming up?

In this activity, we're going to give you an introduction to the internet.

You'll learn what the internet is, and how an internet service provider, or ISP, can help you access it at home on computers, tablets and smartphones.

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Understanding the internet

The internet is a worldwide network of computers. When you connect to the internet, you become part of it too.

An illustration showing many computers connected together on the internet
An illustration of a laptop computer using the internet

What can the internet do?

When you connect to the internet, it's like being able to communicate with a billion other people at once. You can ask for information on just about anything.

You can purchase goods from an online or real shop, get up-to-the-minute news from the world, send updates and pictures to family and friends, or even connect to groups of people with interests the same as yours. The possibilities are almost endless.

How to access the internet

To access the internet at home, you need to purchase an internet service, also known as broadband. Most broadband services in Australia are part of a cabled network system built and maintained by the government's National Broadband Network.

You can also access the internet on your smartphone and some tablets via a mobile data service.

An illustration showing a home connecting to the internet
A computer screen with logos of some internet service providers

The internet at home

To get a broadband internet service at home, you need to contact an internet service provider, or ISP.

There are many ISPs, including Telstra, Optus, Vodafone, TPG and others. Many have physical stores in high streets and shopping malls.

The ISP will tell you what plans are available, and what each option may cost every month. It pays to shop around, as some ISPs might have special deals available from time to time.

You can learn more about home internet plans in the Home networks course.

The internet on a mobile phone

For smartphones and some tablets, you will need a mobile data plan to access the internet over the mobile phone network when you are out and about.

You can purchase plans from Telstra, Optus, Vodafone and others, and most plans include calls, texts and internet data.

You can learn more about mobile data and plans in the Mobile networks course.

An illustration of a smartphone showing the internet logo
An icon of a padlock

eSafety tip

As mobile data companies are often ISPs as well, you can even check to see if they can bundle your mobile data plan with your home internet service, which can save you money.

A computer screen with logos of some internet service providers

Connecting to the internet

When you sign up to an internet service, the ISP may have to send someone to your home to install equipment to connect you to the internet.

Once connected, you are online and should be able to access the internet any time you want.

You can learn more about home and mobile internet data options in the Wi-Fi and mobile networks and All about data courses.

Well connected

What kind of company do you need to call to get a home internet connection?

An internet service provider

Click to flip


That's right! Many ISPs are also mobile phone providers.

An electricity company

Click to flip


No, sorry that's not quite right. Whilst you do need electricity for your computer to work, you need to call an ISP, or internet service provider, to set up a home internet connection.

Well done!

You've completed the So, what is the internet? activity.

You should now know that you need an internet service provider to connect your home to the internet, and that you can access the internet from a home connection, or a mobile phone network.

In the next activity, What is a web browser?, you'll learn about the computer program that lets you explore the internet.

An illustration of a laptop computer displaying the internet icon