Staying safe while blogging


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Staying safe while blogging

Travel the world and capture your journey by writing a blog as you go

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If you're thinking about blogging, it's a good idea to know about ways to stay safer online whilst doing so.

In this activity, you'll learn how to guard your personal information, regulate comments you receive on your blog and take sensible online security precautions.

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The comments section

If you're open to feedback and constructive criticism, then the comments section on your blog can be a great place to share ideas and debate issues with readers.

Giving your feedback is easy on a blog, and you can enable this feature on your own blog if you choose to do so
Sadly, there are people who like to start arguments or cause offence by writing nasty comments on websites. These time wasters are known as 'trolls' and they should always be ignored.

Be prepared for negative feedback

There are some people, however, who like to bully others anonymously on the internet. These people are called trolls and they might leave unpleasant comments on your blog posts. It's best to ignore them rather than to reply.

Moderate comments on your blog

On Google's Blogger service, comments are published automatically, which means unpleasant messages can appear without you knowing, and offend your visitors.

Settings within Blogger allow you to change this, so you can moderate, or review, the comments first. That way, if you see anything unpleasant, you can just delete them.

You can stop nasty comments before they are published by checking all comments first. This is know as moderating.
An illustration of suspicious people who look for personal identification information on blogs. Stay safe by never publishing your personal details, e.g. full name, date of birth, telephone or email address on your blogs.

Don't publish personal information

As a general rule, it's best not to provide your full name on your blog. You shouldn't provide details such as your home or work address or your telephone number either. You wouldn't reveal those details in a chat with a stranger at a bus stop, so don't publish them on the internet.

An icon of a padlock

eSafety tip

Remember, unless your blog is private, it's open to anyone. However, even if it is private, there's still no need to put any of your personal or sensitive information online.

Don't list your email on the blog

Spammers are always looking on the internet for new email addresses. If they find yours on your blog, you're likely to receive more spam (or junk mail) in your inbox.

If you want a way for people to reach you with private messages, you can add a Contact section to your blog which forwards you their message without revealing your email address.

An illustration of a can of spam
A pile of colourful post-it notes with 'password?' written on one of them

Use a unique password to secure your blog

If anyone discovers one of your passwords, they can try using that password to break into your other online accounts, including your blog. That's why you should never use the same password twice.

Instead, you should create a unique password for your blog that others will be unable to guess.

Creating a strong, unique password

A strong password will help secure your blog.

For a memorable password, try using the first letters in the lines of a song and your house number. For example, Mary had a little lamb might become MhAlL-45.

A strong password like this – using numbers and upper and lower case letters – can be easy for you to remember but would be incredibly difficult for someone to guess.

An illustration of a username and password which is using lower case and upper case letters and numbers to create a really strong password
An icon of a padlock

eSafety tip

See our Managing passwords course for more tips on strong passwords, and how you can use a password manager to help you stay in control of the many passwords we need these days. You can view it by clicking on the link below:

Managing passwords

Stop blogging whenever you want

If you have second thoughts about blogging, it's okay to take a break for a while.

It's also easy to switch off the comments on a post, remove that post or even delete your entire blog if you think it's time to move on.

A 'gone fishing' sign indicating it's ok and recommended to take a break from blogging and go and enjoy your hobby whenever you feel like it

True or false?

Click each card to find the answer.

You may receive negative feedback from people on your blog. These people are called trolls.

Click to flip

This is, unfortunately, true. It's best to ignore people who are rude or who write negative things.

You can't delete any unwanted or negative comments once someone has posted them on your blog.

Click to flip

This is false. You can moderate what comments are visible and delete any that are unpleasant.

It's safe to publish your email address on your blog.

Click to flip

This is false. Keep your email address private so you don't get spam mail.


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Catching up on a blog over a cup of coffee