Do more with Google Earth


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Do more with Google Earth

An illustration of a religious statue from Google Earth

What's coming up?

In this activity, we will explain how a wonderful online resource – called Google Arts & Culture – adds a new dimension to Google Earth, and how Google Earth Tours let you explore the globe in new ways.

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Explore the world

Google Earth is so much more than just an interactive map of the world. When you’re exploring a location in Google Earth, there are links you can click to discover a range of amazing online resources that do far more than just show you around.

An illustrated view of the Vatican City from Google Earth
The Google Arts and Culture logo

Embrace the arts

Google Arts & Culture is a great example of how Google Earth can help broaden our horizons. It lets you explore the world's great museums and art galleries – even artworks in huge detail – from London's British Museum and the Musée d’Orsay in Paris, to Washington's Smithsonian, and Beijing's Palace Museum.

Enter the virtual world of arts and culture

Google Arts & Culture is a separate website to Google Earth, but you can find your way there from Google Earth when you're keen to learn more about the world's great cultural treasures.

You can visit Google Arts & Culture at:

An illustration of some of the arts and culture pages from Google Earth
The Take a tour in Google Earth web page

Take a tour

You can also use Google Earth Tours to explore even more of what Google Earth can do. Choose from a range of tours by visiting the Google Earth gallery.

You can learn more about tours in our Google Earth - more than a map course.

Well done!

You’ve completed the Do more with Google Earth activity. You've learned that, alongside websites like Google Arts & Culture, Google can take you through the world's great museums and art galleries, as well as many other fascinating places.

Next up, we’ll look at some of the other tools and features of Google Earth in the Taking a Tour in Google Earth activity.

An illustration of a statue from Google Earth