Resources for healthy eating
Resources for healthy eating

What's coming up?
This activity will show you some of the resources available online that can help with healthy eating, including those targeting specific dietary requirements and recipe websites.
Start activityHow to use recipes on a supermarket site
If you order your groceries online from a supermarket site, that site might also have a section with recipes.
You can search the recipes by different categories such as dinner ideas or popular ingredients. You can also find recipes by diet and lifestyle, such as vegan, vegetarian, dairy free, or high fibre.

Buy ingredients with one click
Most supermarket websites will let you add all the ingredients in a recipe to your shopping basket by clicking or tapping a single button. The site will also let you know if an ingredient is unavailable, and let you skip those ingredients you already have at home.
You can then have the items delivered to your door for a fee. The amount may be more for small-value shops and same-day deliveries.
Other websites have more recipes
You can find a much wider variety of recipes on other websites, by searching using your web browser. Some of these sites have arrangements with supermarkets to allow one-button ordering of the ingredients, but this might not be your preferred supermarket, and some of the ingredients may not be available in your area.

Some examples of recipe websites
The internet has thousands of recipe websites, and some are better suited to Australian tastes and available produce. Here are some popular examples:
Some apps provide dietary advice
You can also search your smartphone’s app store for apps that help with dietary advice and healthy eating. You can download an app for your needs, and have all the information you need collected in the app.
Some of these apps also include recipes and cooking ideas, and advice on how to follow diets that need to avoid certain foods, such as gluten or additives, for example.

eSafety tip
If your doctor has recommended or instructed you to follow a special diet for medical reasons, make sure to follow this as a priority over any advice in an app. If you are unsure about anything an app tells you, talk with your doctor about it before changing anything about your diet.
Well done!
This is the end of the Resources for healthy eating activity. You’ve learned how supermarket and recipe sites can make it easier and faster to plan your meals, and how diet apps can help you with your dietary needs.
Up next in the Resources for exercise activity, you can learn about YouTube’s usefulness as a resource for workouts and motivation, and find out about some popular exercising apps too.