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Welcome to the 'How to navigate with Google Maps' video course. In this video, you'll learn about some Google Map features and how to navigate to a destination using the Google Maps app. This demonstration uses the Google Maps app on an Android phone, but the steps will be similar on an iPhone or in a browser on a computer. Android phones have the Google Maps app installed. If you can't find it, you can download it from Google Play. For iPhone, download the app from the App Store and install it on your device.
To work, Google Maps needs to know your location. You can turn this on and give the app permission to access your location in the Settings menu of your device under Location. When you have location turned on and give Google Maps permission to know your location, the app will track the location of your device. You always have the option to turn this off if you don't want the app to track your location.
To get started, find the Google Maps icon on the Home screen. By default, it will be in the Google folder. Tap on it, then tap on Google Maps to open the app. A map appears showing your local area with your location marked by a blue circle in the centre of the map. You can use your finger to move the map around. Double-tap the map, and without lifting your finger, slide your finger down the screen to zoom out or up the screen to zoom in. If you can't find yourself on the map, look for the compass icon on the right of the screen. Tap on it and the icon will change colour, and the map will update and re-centre with your location, again marked as a blue dot.
The Layers icon in the top right lets you choose the style of map and the information displayed. Tap on it to see the options. There are three map types and several choices for adding extra detail to maps. These include Public transport routes, Traffic congestion, and Street View. Traffic is selected by default and shows real-time information about congestion, closures, and accidents on major roads. This helps Google Maps recommend the fastest route, update routes as conditions change, and provide accurate travel times. For this demonstration, however, we'll limit the information that appears on maps.
Tap the icon to turn Traffic off, then tap the cross at the top right to close the Layers panel. To find your way to a destination from your current location, tap in the Search here bar at the top of the screen, then type the name or address of where you'll want to go. We'll type State Library of New South Wales. Some suggestions will appear below as you type, and you can tap on the one you want. The map will update to show the destination marked by the location icon, which looks like a red upside down teardrop. To get a better view of the map, tap the map to see it full screen. For details on how to get to the destination, tap the blue Directions button below the map. The map will update to show the fastest route and travel time. In this demonstration, driving is quickest, but there are also options for public transport, walking, cycling, ride share, and taxis.
You can scroll and tap each of them to view routes, travel times, and timetables. To begin the journey by car, ensure the car icon at the top of the map is highlighted, then tap the blue Start button at the bottom. The map will show your location at the start of the trip and highlight the route to the destination. During your trip, the map will provide onscreen directions for where and when to turn. Google Maps also provides turn-by-turn voice instructions, which can be safer for navigating while driving. Look for the speaker icon at the bottom right. If it's black and has a stroke through it, voice instructions are on mute. To hear them, tap on the icon, then tap it again to let your device tell you where to go. You've learned about some of the features in Google Maps and how to get directions to a location. If you're unsure about any steps, you can rewind the video or click the chapter headings to jump to the start of a chapter. If you're ready to move on, there are many other courses to explore on Be Connected.