More savings with government services - ACT


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More savings with government services

An illustration of a dollar being passed between two people

What's coming up?

In this activity, you'll find out how to apply for concessions and rebates using the ACT Government's Key concessions to help with the cost of living page.

You’ll also learn how to find lost money using the MoneySmart website.

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A padlock illustration.

eSafety tip

Many rebate programs are hosted on other government websites, so you might be taken away from the website to apply.

You can always click the Back button on your browser to return to the ACT government's Key concessions to help with the cost of living site.

Using the top links to find concessions

The Key concessions to help with the cost of living page is very long, and some items take quite a bit of scrolling to find.

You can use the list of links at the top of the page to jump down to the concession that interests you. These links include:

  • Get $800 off your energy bills
  • Free travel on public transport
  • Help paying rates
  • Discounts on car registration and driver licence fees.
An illustration of the Key concessions to help with the cost of living page.
An illustration of a light bulb surrounded by dollar signs

Get $800 off your energy bills

This section includes information on how to apply for the Utilities Concession. You may qualify if you pay an energy bill in the ACT and have one of the following:

  • Pensioner Concession card
  • Low Income Health Care card
  • Health Care card
  • Veteran Gold card
  • ACT Service Access card.

You will also find a link to Revenue ACT where you can apply for the Utilities Concession.

Help paying rates

This section gives some information about the rates rebate, which is available if you have a Pensioner Concession or Veteran Gold card.

It also includes a link to Revenue ACT where you can apply for the rate rebate.

An illustration of a a hand holding a gold coin
An illustration of a Concession card

Discounts for car owners

This section provides information on how you can qualify for registration and licence fee rebates. You may be entitled to concessions if you hold a:

  • Low Income Health Care card
  • Pension Concession card
  • Seniors card
  • ACT Services Access card.

There are also some links to the Access Canberra website, which will help you check the discounts and apply for them.

Finding lost money

To search for lost money, you can visit the Australian Securities and Investments Commission's (ASIC's) MoneySmart website, which helps you claim lost money from such things as old superannuation accounts.

The MoneySmart logo

Well done!

This is the end of the More savings with government services activity. You've learned how to use the ACT government's Key concessions to help with the cost of living site to find concessions or rebates you may be eligible for, how to apply for them, and how to find lost money.

Up next, if you are registered with Be Connected and logged in, you'll be able to take a short quiz to complete the Access Canberra course. If you are not registered, you are now at the end of the course.

An illustration of a magnet attracting dollar coins