Accessing essential services - QLD
Accessing essential services

What's coming up?
In this activity, you’ll learn about some of the essential services you can access on the website.
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Helping you access essential services
There’s a lot of information on the Queensland Government website, but the site helps make finding what you want easier, by grouping services in categories like Transport and motoring and Homes and housing.
To see these categories, you can click For Queenslanders at the top of the website. This opens a panel with a list of categories. Click one to see what services are included.
Remember, if you get lost, you can click the Queensland coat of arms logo in the top left of the page, to get back to the home page.

eSafety tip
Some of the services you can browse via, are actually hosted on other government websites.
You can tell when you’re being directed to another website, because when you click on some links or buttons, the address in your web browser’s search bar will change.
For example, if you are visiting the drivers licence section of and click Renew my licence, the address will change to
If you don’t want to go to another website right now, click the Back button in your web browser.

Your rights, crime and the law
This category includes almost everything to do with the law, such as how to:
- Apply to get your birth certificate
- Legally change your name
- Register a relationship
- Register a death
- Making a will
- Handle Probate and deceased estates.
Your rights, crime and the law (continued)
This category also has information about what to do if you need to access various legal services. You can:
- Find a Justice of the Peace or Cdec (Commissioners for Declarations)
- Have documents witnessed online by a JP or Cdec
- Learn how to Report a crime or disturbance
- Learn about Your rights as a resident of Queensland.

Transport and motoring
This category includes everything you need for driving, using public transport, and also covers tolls and paying traffic fines. You can:
- Check your Queensland Driver Licence details, Find out the cost of different licences
- Manage your car’s registration.
For Transport concessions, visit the Community support category. You can find out what concessions you may qualify for, on bus, ferry, taxi, and rail.
This category also has information about getting concessions to reduce the cost of registering your vehicle.
Health and wellbeing
This category has lots of useful information around healthcare, such as:
- Finding a health service
- Subsidies for aids and equipment at home
- Information about care at the end of life
- Getting support for a health or social issue.
You can also find a quick link to the phone number for non-urgent medical help (13 HEALTH), and information about Medicare and finding health professionals who bulk bill.

Homes and housing
This category has essential information for some of the more complicated aspects of owning, buying, or selling property, especially if it’s not your primary residence. You can:
- Access the Queensland Retirement Village and Park Advice Service
- Use an online calculator to work out the transfer duty on sale of a house or land
- Apply for an owner-builder permit
- Get some useful information about how you can improve safety in your home.

Well done!
This is the end of the Accessing essential services activity. You’ve learned about browsing services and how they are grouped into useful categories.
Up next, the Discovering everyday savings activity will show how you can use the website to find out how to save money.