Discovering everyday savings - QLD
Discovering everyday savings

What's coming up?
In this activity, you’ll find out how Queensland Government online services can help you save money, today. You’ll discover a collection of guides and services that help with cost of living, fuel prices, and where to apply for concessions. These can all be found by clicking Find services at the top of the home page, and then looking in the Save money panel.
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The Smart Savings website
Keeping up with all the bills and expenses of modern living can feel like a full-time job in itself!
The Smart Savings website collects all the concessions and rebates that the Queensland Government is currently offering and puts them all in one spot for you to explore.
You can get to the Smart Savings website by clicking Find services, and then Cost of living.
Finding petrol prices near you
The Queensland Government’s Department of Energy and Public Works has a page on its website that helps you find other websites and apps that report fuel prices.
Type into your web browser’s search bar to go directly to this page.
You will see a list of websites and apps you can use to track petrol prices. These websites and apps aren’t associated with the Queensland Government.

Transport and motoring, and Community support
These two categories have lots of information about discounts and concessions related to driving, public transport, travelling, and more. You can:
- Apply for a transport concession
- Apply for a concessional registration for your vehicle or caravan
- Get a registration quote for your boat.
There are often new rebates or programs added to these services so it’s worth checking back regularly, especially if you are hoping to go travelling.
Well done!
This is the end of the Discovering everyday savings activity. You’ve learned how the Queensland Government website can help you save money on your regular expenses.
Up next, the Claiming rebates and lost superannuation will show you how to find government rebates for things like gas or electricity, and how to apply for them.