Useful things you should know - QLD
Useful things you should know

What's coming up?
In this activity, you’ll learn about a few more services not mentioned in this course already, and also some general tips about how to use the Queensland Government website.
Start activityI want to...
The home page has a panel that gathers services you might need day-to-day. Under the I want to... headline, you can find links to:
- Pay a fine or infringement notice
- Apply for a seniors card
- Change my address details
- Other applications or payments you can make online.

How to see all services in one place
To see all the Queensland government services that are available online, click For Queenslanders at the top of the page.
A panel will open showing several categories. In the bottom right of this panel, click Browse all information and services.
This will open the Information for Queenslanders page. You can see services by category or choose from a menu on the left of the page.
Have your say
The Queensland Government website has a section for community engagement, where you can provide your feedback on various matters.
Under the Have your say headline, you can see links to the most recent proposals (called consultations) where the community is invited to provide their views.
You can click View all at the bottom of this list to go to theGet involved page, where you can find out more about having your say, including how to Attend a Community Cabinet.

Featured stories
The availability of services, rebates, guides, and more, is always changing on the Queensland Government website.
A useful way to keep an eye on what’s new is the Featured stories panel. This is at the top of the Queensland Government home page and is coloured green and white.
You can scroll through the featured stories by clicking the black arrow on the right side of the panel. When you find a story that interests you, click the Read more link.

Well done!
You have completed the Useful things you should know activity and learned a bit more about accessing government services online.
Up next, if you are registered with Be Connected and logged in, you’ll be able to take a short quiz to complete the Queensland Government websites course. If you are not registered, you are now at the end of the course.