Welcome to Queensland government online services
Welcome to Queensland government online services

What's coming up?
In this activity, you’ll find out why the www.qld.gov.au website is useful, what you can do there, how you can access Queensland government online services with your web browser, and what you’ll need to get started.
Start activityGovernment services are important
There are lots of reasons you might need to access government services, from renewing your drivers licence to searching for lost superannuation funds.
Until recently, accessing government services meant going into town to an office location, and waiting in the queue.
Nowadays, you can access most services from a website. Almost everything you need is at the click of your mouse.

What can government services do for me?
As well as helping you manage your personal information, such as your ID and official address, you can also use government services to:
- save money by applying for rebates
- apply for discount or concession cards
- find lost money
- see the rules or steps for things such as making a will or selling your home
- check details, like when your car registration is due for renewal.
Being able to do all this online or via an app is much faster and easier than going into an office or even calling on the phone.
What you need to access government services
To access government services using a website or one of the official apps, you’ll need to provide proof of identity. This includes:
- A form of photo ID, such as driver licence or passport
- A second form of ID, such as your Medicare card.
When you provide these to the QGov account creation page on the www.qld.gov.au website, you’ll receive an account, with a username and password, which you can use to sign in quickly from then on.
You can also sign into some of the government services apps on your smartphone by using a passcode, a fingerprint, or faceID, depending on what kind of phone you use, and depending which app you are accessing.

How do I access online services in Queensland?
For residents of Queensland, the Queensland Government website at www.qld.gov.au is a portal to all online government services. To visit, enter www.qld.gov.au in the search bar of your computer’s web browser.
The Queensland Government also offers several apps you can download to your mobile device from your device’s official app store. These apps each focus on a specific government service, such as QLDTraffic for traffic alerts, and QSchools for school information.
You can see a list of the Queensland Government online services apps by typing www.qld.gov.au/services/mobile into the search bar of your web browser.

eSafety tip
Only download apps from the official app store for your device: Google Play for Android devices and the App Store for Apple iPhone and iPad.
When entering the address for the Queensland Government website, make sure to include the www at the beginning. Some websites let you skip this, but if you type qld.gov.au only, your browser may show some search results instead of going to the Queensland Government website.
What’s the difference between the website and the app?
The www.qld.gov.au website has all the services you can access online, as well as lots of information and useful guides for how to access these services. The site is best viewed on a computer, where the larger screen gives plenty of space for all the details.
The Queensland Government also offers a range of apps, but each app is for accessing a specific government service or seeing a specific kind of information.
You can see a list of the Queensland Government apps at www.qld.gov.au/services/mobile

What's coming up in this course?
For the rest of this course, you can learn more about how to use the Queensland Government website, and the different services you can access.
You’ll find out how to manage your personal information in your QGov account, how to check essential everyday services, and even how to save money.
The Queensland Government website and apps are intended to make your life easier when it comes to government services.
You can always call
The Queensland Government website contains a lot of information and has lots of different screens. If you just can’t seem to find what you need, don’t worry. You can always call on 13 QGOV (13 7468) and speak to a representative, who will help you get what you need.

Well done!
This is the end of the Welcome to Queensland government online services activity. You’ve learned what the Queensland Government website is and how it can help you access government services.
Up next is the Managing your personal information activity, where you can learn about your QGov account, what information it has about you, how to access it, and how to update it when you need to.