Discovering everyday savings - SA
Discovering everyday savings

What's coming up?
In this activity, you'll find out how South Australian Government online services can help you save money, today.
You'll discover a collection of guides and services that help with cost of living, fuel prices, and where to apply for concessions.
Start activityHow to find savings on
Keeping up with all the bills and expenses of modern living can feel like a full-time job in itself!
There's lots of information on about how to save on these everyday bills. The easiest way to see all these at once is to use the website's Search site bar.
Type save in the Search site bar and press the Enter key on your keyboard. You'll see a list of results that focus on savings.

Finding petrol prices near you
The South Australian government's Consumer and Business Services website has a list of apps and websites you can use to check petrol prices in South Australia.
The website has a list of fuel price checking services. Some of these have an app you can download, others also include a website.
These services are independent of the South Australian government.

eSafety tip
Only download apps from your mobile device's official app store. That's Google Play for Android devices, and the App Store for Apple devices.

Concessions and grants
Under the Care and support category, you can find Concessions and grants. This includes lots of information about available concessions and also the Concession finder.
You can use the Concession finder to apply for concessions including:
- The Transport Concession Card
- The Residential parks resident card
- The Senior's card.
Well done!
This is the end of the Discovering everyday savings activity. You've learned how the South Australian Government website can help you save money on your regular expenses.
Up next, the Other useful things to know activity will show you some more ways to save money using government websites, and even how to track down lost superannuation.