Managing payments with
mobile banking practice area
Building our skills from the previous course – Mobile banking basics practice area – we are going to look at more advanced mobile banking tasks.
In this course, we focus on transferring funds, paying bills using Bill Payment (BPAY for short), and limiting how much money can be withdrawn from your accounts at a time.
Our Squirrel Bank practice areas give you an opportunity to perfect these more advanced skills in a safe environment and, if you make a mistake, it doesn’t matter as you can always have another go!
Activities viewable on all devices in this course are:
- Managing payments with mobile banking – a description of the key tasks in this course.
Activities viewable on smartphones and tablets only are:
- Transferring funds between accounts – Squirrel Bank practice activity. How to move funds from one account to another using mobile banking.
- Adding a new biller – Squirrel Bank practice activity. How to add a new biller, or payee, to your bank records using mobile banking. This makes paying future bills a breeze!
- Paying a bill – Squirrel Bank practice activity. How to use mobile banking to pay a bill using the saved biller from the previous activity.
- Setting transaction limits – Squirrel Bank practice activity. Managing how much money can be transferred or withdrawn at a time from your bank accounts.
Managing payments with mobile banking
8 min
Transferring funds with Squirrel Bank mobile
5 min
Adding a new biller with Squirrel Bank mobile
6 min
Paying a bill with Squirrel Bank mobile
4 min
Transaction limits with Squirrel Bank mobile
5 min