Queensland government websites
In this course, you’ll learn about some of the key government services you can access online, as a resident of Queensland. You’ll find out about the qld.gov.au website and how you can access services and manage your personal information, by using your QGov account.
You can also find out how to use Queensland Government online services to apply for rebates, find lost money, and even get some vouchers and other discounts for things you might like to do.
This course is for residents of Queensland. If you live in a different state or territory, you’ll find a course for you in the State and territory government services online topic.
Welcome to Queensland government online services
5 min
Managing your personal information
5 min
Accessing essential services
5 min
Discovering everyday savings
4 min
Claiming rebates and lost superannuation
4 min
Useful things you should know
4 min